99MGMT Blog

How You Can Celebrate Nurse Practitioner Week in your Practice?

Posted by 99 MGMT on Nov 12, 2019 9:29:51 AM


The second week of November is National Nurse Practitioner Week! How will your private practice be celebrating these valuable members of the healthcare community?


What is a Nurse Practitioner?

Nurse Practitioners are Registered Nurses who are trained in advanced practice and considered “Mid-Level Practitioners”. 

Essentially, they can see patients, review tests and labs, diagnose patients, write scripts, and develop treatment plans as supplementary aid for Doctors in practices. 

Nurse Practitioners throughout the United States typically see over 1 billion total patients per year!

3 Ways to Celebrate in Your Practice

1. Obtain a Proclamation from a Public Official

One major way you can say thank you to the NPs in your practice is to have a local public official sign a proclamation declaring November 10-16th Nurse Practitioner Week! 

The level of government you approach to obtain an official proclamation could range from local authorities to state officials, but the effect of recognizing these valuable members of your team will speak volumes!

2. Head to Social Media for #NPWeek

Want to spread your NP appreciation on a global level? Head to social media and use the hashtag #NPWeek! 

With this hashtag, you’ll be able to share your message with people all across the world. While you’re there, check out the hashtag and see how others are celebrating as well!

3. Host an Event and Donate Proceeds to Charity

Another way to show your appreciation for the Nurse Practitioners who help keep your practice running smoothly is to host an event and donate the proceeds to charity in honor of the NPs you know, and those you don’t! Doing this is a fun and exciting way to say thanks to an important part of a healthcare team and a great source for community outreach and education!


Most Importantly, say Thank You!

Not sure if you’ll have time to organize any of these events for your practice in time? Don’t worry, start small! 

The best way to show your appreciation during NP Week (and all the other weeks, for that matter) is to just say thank you to the Nurse Practitioners you know, and to let them know that their work is valued!

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