Medical care is necessary to prevent diseases and improve quality of life. With many doctors offering a wide range of treatments, additional staffing is required to ensure smooth and timely interactions and services for every patient. In many cases, the role of a Medical Assistant extends beyond checking vitals and updating medical histories.
Medical Assistant Career Advancement: 10 Pros of Working in the Field
Topics: Operations, HR, Physician-Patient Relationship, Location
9 Considerations When Starting a Medical Practice in Texas
When you've been with a medical practice for a while, it can be hard to imagine leaving. After all, you've built up a good rapport with your patients. You know the ins and outs of the office, too.
Topics: Business Growth, Compliance, Practice Management, Practice Start-Up, Location
Important Partnerships to Have When Starting Your Own Practice
Starting your own medical practice is a huge undertaking, and it is virtually impossible to handle all by yourself. As you are planning for your new practice, there are several kinds of people who you will need to help you along the way, and we’ll be discussing those partnerships today.
Topics: Business Growth, Operations, Practice Management, Financial, Practice Start-Up, Location