99MGMT Blog

How You Can Celebrate National Men's Health Month Throughout June

Posted by 99 MGMT on Jun 29, 2020 12:19:50 PM

Since 1992, June has been nationally recognized as Men’s Health Month, in an effort by the Men’s Health Network to spread information and awareness about some of the most common health issues men face.

The average life expectancy for men is approximately 5 years lower than that for women - and yet women are twice as likely to go to the doctor than men. 

From mental health to physical wellness, Men’s Health Month aims to educate people about preventative measures, healthy lifestyles, and resources available to those in need.

Here are a few ways you can celebrate National Men’s Health Month this June in your practice!

Wear Blue & Tweet Blue

Each year, the Friday before Father’s Day is the designated day to wear blue to show support for men’s health. This is not only an excellent opportunity to stand up in solidarity for the men in your life, but also to head to social media and spread that message even further.

Using the hashtags #WearBlue #ShowUsYourBlue or # MensHealthMonth on social media will spread your support globally - bonus points if you share a picture of yourself wearing blue!

People all around the world participate each year, and the response helps to further the message, which can increase the attention Men’s Health Month gets so more and more people start to support the cause.

Organize a Health Fair

As we dedicate this time to protecting men’s health, what better way to orchestrate actionable steps than by organizing a health fair? 

While under normal conditions, this would likely mean a conference room full of booths for individuals to stop by and have screenings done, score some free samples, or obtain informational resources, things are a little different right now.

Don’t worry, though! There are still ways you can hold health fairs - or at least provide some of the experience of one.

Mini Health Fair

Organizing a small health fair within your workspace is a great way to ensure that employees still have access to these resources, without the public health concern of having dozens of people in the same room at once.

For smaller businesses, this could be as simple as providing some samples, screenings, and pamphlets in the break room for people to obtain on their lunch break.

Larger companies may need to implement a shift system to ensure compliance with CDC recommendations for maximum capacity in an enclosed area, but men’s health is important enough to put the extra effort in!

Virtual Health Fair

If you live somewhere that is still operating primarily remotely, consider hosting a virtual health fair!

Compiling a presentation with links to the resources men can use to prioritize their health may not be quite the same as an in-person health fair, but just like all the other aspects of our lives, we have to adapt to the times.

If you are unable to host this event as a webinar or presentation, sending it out as an email, or simply posting it on your website and your social media channels can have a significant impact.

Spread Awareness

The absolute most effective way to celebrate Men’s Health Month is to spread awareness about the event, and contribute however you can to Men’s Health overall. 

Share information on social media, tell your family, friends, and co-workers, and encourage the men in your life to start putting their health first, before it’s too late.

Looking for more information about Men’s Health Month? Check out the official Men’s Health Month website for resources and content you can view to help support the cause.

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