99MGMT Blog

How to Celebrate World Health Day in an Uncertain World

Posted by 99 MGMT on Apr 7, 2020 2:17:34 PM


With the current COVID-19 pandemic occurring, much of the world is feeling anxious and even uncertain about the state of public health. What better way to shed light on the selfless care that health professionals provide, than by celebrating World Health Day this April 7th, 2020.

This year’s tagline from the World Health Organization (WHO) is: “Support nurses and midwives.”

In their official statement regarding the goal of World Health Day, WHO said, 

“7 April 2020 is the day to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives and remind world leaders of the critical role they play in keeping the world healthy. Nurses and other health workers are at the forefront of COVID-19 response - providing high quality, respectful treatment and care, leading community dialogue to address fears and questions and, in some instances, collecting data for clinical studies. Quite simply, without nurses, there would be no response.” 


How Can I Celebrate In My Practice?

Attend a Virtual Event

WHO is holding two live social media events that you can watch from anywhere on official WHO social media channels. The first, at 10 a.m. CEST, is “Live Q&A on the State of the World’s Nursing Report with Carey McCarthy” and the second, at 2:30 p.m. CEST.

Links to WHO Social Media are here:

Focus on Policy

As many know, the real changes and improvements in the healthcare industry happen at the government level. This is why it is increasingly important to take time to contact lawmakers and convey the significance of support and investment in medical professionals.

At the level of policy makers, it is crucial to take steps to support the healthcare workers who support us all in our times of need by listening to the people and gathering data to see where resources are lacking.

Say Thanks!

The most supportive way to celebrate World Health Day is simply by saying thank you to healthcare professionals - especially the nurses and midwives - who risk their lives to keep the public safe and healthy, particularly in times like now.

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